
How much will shipping cost?

Shipping is free on orders of 30$ and above.

If under 30$, we charge a flat rate of 19.99$.

What are your delivery times?

Estimated delivery is generally between 3-8 business days depending on your location.

For more information: Shipping & Handling

Where do we deliver to?

We currently mainly deliver to the USA & Canada.

But, we're coming to Europe and the Middle East very soon!

You can always contact us and we'll do our best to arrange shipping for you no matter where you are!


What is your refund policy?

We have a 30-day warranty.
To start a return, please contact us at

For more information, check out our refund policy: Returns & Refunds

What about taxes?

Taxes are included in the price.


How can I cancel my order?

Send us an email at and we will cancel your order.
